The CHRIS project involves young students in basic schooling in the development of sustainable ways of countering radicalisation in schools, based on in-depths engagement in what produces radicalisation potential in relation to teenage identity formation and through real-life and real-time community collaboration – and with the aim to build capacity to co-create the project outcomes.

The CHRIS project will take radicalisation prevention in schools to a didactic level and mobilize young students’ hidden and unfolded knowledge to do so.

  • TITLE: Countering Human RADICALISATION In School (CHRIS)
  • PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-1-DK01-KA201-022301
  • DURATION: 01/09/2016- 31/08/2018


  • CHRISresource – resource center for innovative methodologies for radicalisation prevention in school
  • CHRISguide – guide pack on radicalisation prevention in school for primary and secondary schools across Europe
  • CHRISvideo – 30 minutes video on radicalisation prevention in school, co-created and co-produced by the young students
  • CHRISresearch – recommendations for further and focused research based on the project experience and knowledge creation
  • CHRISpolicy – recommendations for radicalisation prevention policy for schools based on the project experience and knowledge creation


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Partnerzy Uczelni

Organizacja IT w województwie zachodniopomorskim

Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Szczecin

Microsoft Polska - platforma do nauczania zdalnego i studia online

Uczelnia IT z szkoleniami

Microsoft Azure – platforma chmurowa firmy Microsoft stworzona w modelu PaaS.

Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego z siedzibą w Szczecinie