Traditional, very formal models used in the process of adult education lack flexibility – they are difficult to accept in intensively changing reality, they do not meet adults’ needs. The intention of the partnership was to integrate educational processes with artistic methods such as: photography, art, theatre, movie in order to develop and promote methodology used by adult learners educators in the processes of teaching and learning. The project also aimed at exchange of experience and best practice and verifying to what extent artistic methods are used in institutions.

  • TITLE: DEPART – Developing Educational Process using Arts
  • PROJECT NUMBER: 2011-1-LT1-GRU06-04870 2
  • DURATION: 01/08/2011 – 31/07/2013


  • Best Practice Guide on using creative and interactive artistic methods in the process of adult learners education


  • Vilniaus ‘Zidinio’ suaugusiuju vidurine mokykla (Lituania)
  • Etimesgut Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)
  • Centtro de atencion aducativo: LEOLAB (Spain)
  • 2d Second Cahnce Secondary School (E2C prison) of Tricala (Greece)
  • Centro de Educazione Permanente (Italy)

zapisy na studia

Partnerzy Uczelni

Organizacja IT w województwie zachodniopomorskim

Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Szczecin

Microsoft Polska - platforma do nauczania zdalnego i studia online

Uczelnia IT z szkoleniami

Microsoft Azure – platforma chmurowa firmy Microsoft stworzona w modelu PaaS.

Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego z siedzibą w Szczecinie