Project’s DILABS aims at supporting trainers/teachers, staff and organizations involved in adult education in the field of key competences, including literacy and digital skills, in an active process of developing European cooperation.

  • TITLE: Digital community  and Innovation in aduLt educAtion in Basic Skills
  • PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023952
  • DURATION: 01/09/2016- 31/08/2019



The project activities of DILABS will provide specific outcomes on the following issues:

  • Raising awareness in the field of Key competences and identification of illiteracy situations, linked to the labour market, and/or social inclusion (production of tools kit, and methodological guides, and realization of videos to identify relevant basic skills at work)
  • Training of trainers of adults in the field of key competences, methodology to develop innovative and efficient training programs, digital skills to improve training programs, teaching literacy (methodological guides, realization of videos to analyse educational practices, student and teacher’s book, training sessions and study visit)
  • Development and support of a “learning community” and collaborative system in an evolutive and portable approach


  • Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille – Lille I (France)
  • Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale
  • (Italy)
  • Inercia Digital S.L. (Spain)
  • GLAFKA s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
  • Hogskolen I Oslo Og Akershus (Norwey)
  • Agrupamento de Escolas Júlio Dantas (Portugal)
  • Instituto de Educacion Secundaria Jacarandá (Spain)

zapisy na studia

Partnerzy Uczelni

Organizacja IT w województwie zachodniopomorskim

Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Szczecin

Microsoft Polska - platforma do nauczania zdalnego i studia online

Uczelnia IT z szkoleniami

Microsoft Azure – platforma chmurowa firmy Microsoft stworzona w modelu PaaS.

Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego z siedzibą w Szczecinie