The main assumption and message of the project was to develop modern foundations for language teaching addressing the teachers and finally their students. The project was based on well-known and verified method designed by dr Maria Montessori, the first woman doctor who transferred her experience from work with children (also disabled) into education. Although the origin of the method reaches XIX century, it is still successfully implemented in education of children up to 16 years, however till now it has not been used in adult education.

  • TITLE: Montessori methodology in Language Training
  • PROJECT NUMBER: 530963-LLP-1-2012-1-GR-KA2-KA2MP
  • DURATION: 01/11/2012 – 31/10/2014


  • Training methodology effective in teaching adult learners
  • Course book and e-learning course regarding Montessori method in teaching languages
  • Training for foreign language teachers of adult learners




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Organizacja IT w województwie zachodniopomorskim

Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Szczecin

Microsoft Polska - platforma do nauczania zdalnego i studia online

Uczelnia IT z szkoleniami

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Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego z siedzibą w Szczecinie